06.09.07: QST September 2007

Das September-Heft der QST (herausgegeben vom U.S.-Amateurfunkclub ARRL, Special Emergency Communications Issue) enthält u.a. folgende Artikel:


- Operating D-STAR

- Maximum Gain Portable HF Yagi

- A Remote Power Controller

- Product Review: Tokyo Hy-Power HL-1.5KFX Linear Amplifier; Hendricks QRP Kits Firefly Transceiver; Gamma Research HPS-1a Switching Power Supply

News and Features

- It Seems to Us: When All Else Fails ... Amateur Radio

- The ARRL and Emergency Communications

- The News Face of MARS

- QRR: The Beginnings of Amateur Radio Emergency Communications

- Happenings

QST Workbench

- The Doctor is IN: Increasing output by running a 65W radio through a 35W amplifier; cracking the FCC's code; ground radials; more

- Short Takes: BeeLine GPS Tracker

- Power Packing for Emergencies

- Hands-On Radio: Experiment #56 - Design Sensitivities

- A resonance Probe for the Ham Shack

- Hints & Kinks: "Rubber duck" antennas; quick ground connections; more


- JOTA - Jamboree on the Air 2007

- 2007 Simulated Emergency Test

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Hans, DK3YD

DB0VM 438.950 MHz