26.12.07: QST Januar 2008

Das Januar-Heft der QST (herausgegeben vom U.S.-Amateurfunkclub ARRL, Annual Vintage Issue) enthält u.a. folgende Artikel:


- Modifying the Collins KWM-2 for Serious CW Operation

- Building the Tinker Box

- The Arch

- A rugged VHF Beam Antenna That Resists Ice Buildup

- Product Review: ICOM IC-R9500 Communications Receiver

News and Features

- It Seems to Us: WRC-07

- The Joy of Contesting

- Happenings

QST Workbench

- The Doctor is IN: Antenna impedance; power limits for mobile operators; plain center insulators vs baluns; more

- Short Takes: Nec2Go by Nova Plus Software

- Updating the Drake AC-4 High Voltage Power Supply

Inhalt abgleichen